I started this blog to keep track of the Tarot reading that I do every month on or around the New Moon. I use the Osho Zen Tarot. I use a spread that shows the happening throughout the month. The spread uses nine cards:
I have also added three additional cards:
* 1 more - the card underneath the nineth card
* Undercurrent - the last card; the card on the bottom of the deck - the underlying theme or motive
* 1 more(book) - open the deck to a random card
- The Seed - what seed begins to grow this moon?
- The Querent - how do you behave and respond during this lunation to the issues the Moon illuminates for you?
- Challenge - what is the central challenge of this lunation?
- Last Lunation - what is now passing away from the last lunation?
- Waxing Moon - what grows as the Moon waxes?
- Full Moon - what peaks as the Moon becomes full?
- Waning Moon - what do you let go of or surrender as the Moon wanes?
- Lessons - what are the key lessons of this lunation?
- Seed of Next New Moon - what seed will begin to grow during the next lunation? (Card 9 will become card #1 of the next month's reading)
I have also added three additional cards:
* 1 more - the card underneath the nineth card
* Undercurrent - the last card; the card on the bottom of the deck - the underlying theme or motive
* 1 more(book) - open the deck to a random card